Our cabinets come fully assembled with soft close hinges.
Slight modifications to cabinets allowed to fit your kitchen.
Delivery in 5-7 business days.
$2000 Kitchen - Fiber Board Construction,
Multiple Colors : White, Gray, Cherry, Expresso..and more.
Cabinets Included: Fiberboard Construction
B24 ,SB36 ,LS36 ,B18 ,W2130 ,W3330 ,WDC2430 ,W1230 ,W3015 ,W1830 ,W3615 ,Toe Kick and Filler

Get 6% back on everything you spend at the end of the year for qualified customers.

What is a 10x10 Kitchen?
A 10'x10' Kitchen is a sample kitchen used for universal price comparisons across different cabinet types and styles. The kitchen industry uses the 10'x10' kitchen layout to give the consumer a general idea of what that particular cabinet door style costs. The actual cabinet order for your layout may be more or less, based on overall size and cabinet options selected. The 10'x10' Sample Kitchen is based on the 12 items listed.

Premier Kitchen

Our cabinets come fully assembled with soft close hinges.
Slight modifications to cabinets allowed to fit your kitchen.
Delivery in 5-7 business days
Solid Wood Construction
$4000 + tax & delivery
Get 6% back on everything you spend at the end of the year for qualified customers.

Cabinets included: Cabinets Included:
Solid Wood Construction 
B24 ,SB36 ,LS36 ,B18 ,W2130 ,W3330 ,WDC2430, W1230 ,W3015 ,W1830 ,W3615 ,Toe Kick and Filler

Phone: 920-723-7566


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Redemption Developments, LLC
E3792 County Road JJ
Spring Green, WI 53588